Kettlebell Results in 6 Weeks Workout Plans & Videos

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Before you begin your kettlebell exercise, you might want to get your hands on the right kettlebell. Here’s our top picks when you’re looking to get the best results.

If you want to learn how to do the Kettlebell exercise to get results in 6 weeks, here are the 11 steps:

  • Step #1: Begin a Kettlebell exercise by bending your hips

  • Step #2: Then push your glutes (mostly out)

  • Step #3: Make sure your shoulder blades are kept at the back, chest up, and keep head straight

  • Step #4: Position the kettlebell in-between the knews

  • Step #5: Keep it a little behind the heels

  • Step #6: Grab a kettlebell that weighs 15-25 pounds (6.8-11.3 kg)

  • Step #7: With both hands olding the kettlebell, push through using the hips

  • Step #8: Start motion while standing up

  • Step #9: Keep your arms straight

  • Step #10: Squeeze glutes, tightening the abs.

  • Step #11: Tighten the quads to achieve an explosive snap movement

The exercises with Russian weights, also known as kettlebell, have gained prominence lately in the training sessions displacing to the background to the weights of all the life.

In 6 weeks, you can get get great results from kettlebell workout training if you stick to it. Watch the video:

It doesn’t matter how many times you have tried to burn those excess fats from any part of your body, a lot of people have seen tremendous results even within a 6-week period.

And, thanks to the movements that can be done with the Russian weights you will be working several muscles of your body and strengthening the legs, buttocks, abdominal area and arms.

With a single round weight, with a flat base and a handle , you can perform countless exercises and get your body ready in record time.

Top Kettlebell Exercises For Quick Results: 

1. One Legged Deadlift with Kettlebell

With this movement we will work on all buttocks, hamstrings, lumbar and middle area of the body that must be contracted to maintain stability during the execution of the exercise.

Exercise guidelines: We stand behind holding a kettlebell or kettlebell. We will stand upright with one foot without resting on the ground to start the exercise.

Without curving the back, we descend the trunk by flexing the hip and bringing the leg that does not rest on the ground back.

We return slowly to the initial position and repeat as many times as we have indicated

2. Sumo Squat

Squats help improve the mobility and strength of your lower back, hips and legs.

Exercise guidelines: To do some squats with kettlebell sumo weights, start with your legs more extended than your shoulders.

Your fingers should point away from your body, and you should hold the kettlebell with both hands with the palms facing the body.

Keep your head up, and lean a little forward while lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Keep your back straight and your heels on the floor throughout the exercise, and keep your pace slow.

3. Snatch

Snatch is a difficult exercise, very technical and requires a large dose of strength, explosiveness and resistance. The best way to learn the snatch is to break it into small steps.

Start with the clean, go to the press and from there above drop the kettlebell.

For greater safety you can practice this in a park or soft surface, where you can drop the weight to the ground in case you have to release it.

With this exercise, we develop a large amount of muscles throughout the body, but especially those related to the trapezius and shoulder muscles:

Exercise guidelines: Place the kettlebell in front of your body. Take a wide stance and grab the kettlebell with one hand in a Pronation grip.

Start by making an oscillating arm of kettlebells. Bring the kettlebell up until it is almost on top.

Now begin to bend your elbow slightly while lifting the kettlebell and punch the overload of kettlebell.

This will make a bell to rotate and rest against your wrist and forearm. Keep the kettlebell in the blocking position above.

Keep the wrist neutral and your hand open. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and then bring the kettlebell back to the ground. That is a repetition.

4. Kettlebell swing

This is the first exercise that is usually learned with the kettlebell. It is simple and effective.

It consists in balancing the weight between the legs. It is important to pay attention to the back so that it stays straight and thus avoid injuries.

The exercise is done first by holding the weight with both hands by the handle. When you get more practice you can do the exercise with one hand.

Exercise guidelines: spread the legs and place the weight in front of you. Tightens the muscles of the abdomen.

Flex the knees and raise the buttocks. Take the kettlebell by the handle with both hands and raise it to chest height. Balance the weight from front to back by passing it between the legs.

Remember to keep your back and arms always straight. Do 3 sessions of 10 rounds each.

5. Squat with kettlebell

In this exercise the legs, buttocks and arms are worked.

Guidelines for the exercise: with the legs separated and the kettlebell holding it by the handle, one hand on each side. Keep the kettlebell at chest level. The arms should be straight and the back straight.

Make a squat and hold for a few seconds in this position. Go back to the starting position.

If the exercise is too simple for you, you can do a bicep flex while holding the kettlebell.

In this way the exercise gains resistance and you challenge your effort. Do 3 sessions of 10 squats each.

6. Push-ups with kettlebell

This exercise is not more than the traditional flexion but made with the help of two kettlebells.

If you’re not an expert and you still have a hard time doing push-ups you can rest your knees on the floor. This way the exercise will be easier and it will not cost you that much.

Guidelines for the exercise: place the two kettlebells on the floor directly in front of you. Grab the weights by the handle and get in position to do the push-ups.

Tense the abdomen and raise the body. The arms and the tips of the feet should be the only points of support. Flex the arms and raise the body again. Do 3 sessions of 10 push-ups each.

In my next note I will give you more detail of each and more exercises and routines you can do with this great and powerful tool.

Training with kettlebells helps tone the body and achieve any physical goal we desire. But beware, the most important thing is food and lead a healthier life in your day to day.

Remember that for a healthy life 60% of food is required, 30% exercises, and 10% of rest.

And, above all, you must be aware of all the benefits that sport has for your health, surely now that you know it, you will have been motivated to start practicing.

The benefits that training with kettlebell will give you

Most of the current gyms already have the kettlebells and the most leading work sessions where they are used exclusively.

In this way, the monitors make you work most of the muscle groups and serve as a complement to other types of physical activities such as cross fit. Of course, these weights can provide you with a multitude of benefits that you should know.

  • They are able to achieve a complete muscle tone. With them you can work all muscle groups such as stabilizing muscles, many more difficult to work with machines and traditional weights.
  • The effort that kettlebells give you wills not only help you look, they provide a great functional strength and physical resistance to your body, and they also exercise your mind.
  • They allow you to fight stress and anxiety. Sport and group classes help us to avoid problems and even provide a high dose of socialization, very important to understand reality.
  • If you have a monitor you can improve your body posture, the monitor should be aware of your movements so you do not risk injury.
  • In addition to strength, they allow us to work the joints and flexibility in a very dynamic way.
  • Although at first glance it seems an anaerobic exercise, which it is, we also like to lose weight. There are a lot of exercises you could do with kettlebells that will help you, along with other cardio work, to lose weight and keep the line.

Did you know that some kettlebells could bring you so much benefit?

They do not cost much and give us a lot of advantages, if you want something to have at home and work hard, some kettlebells could be your ideal purchase.

If you work regularly with them it may be good to buy some gloves, they will help you not to damage your hands.

Kettlebell: a great tool to lose weight

There are more and more gyms and sports centers that incorporate the kettlebell in the physical preparation of people.

It is used mainly in functional training or in sports where strength work must be linked to the technique of a certain sporting gesture.

Similarly, the kettlebell allows us to work together to burn fat and muscle tone.

It is a very novel tool in the world of cross fit and bodybuilding. The kettlebell or also known as a kettlebell is often used for both hypertrophy and recovery of muscle injuries (sprains, dislocations …).

Its wide variety of exercises allows us to work various functions according to our needs. In this case we will focus on weight loss with this practical dumbbell.

Lose weight with the kettlebell

A lot of sports use this type of dumbbell to work specific movements of the sport modality and thus gain at the same strength and motor skill, since one of its main advantages is the transfer of the exercises to the world of sport.

But you can also burn fat with the kettlebell. American studies have confirmed that making intense movements with this tool burn up to 1100 calories per hour.

The following exercises will help you activate your metabolism and reduce some extra kilos:

  • Charged with dumbbells: grasp the kettlebell approximately at the knees and load it at the height of the breastplate in an explosive manner. From 15 to 20 repetitions.
  • Explosive lift: the first movement as the previous exercise and then raise the arm above the head holding the dumbbell with the outside of the arm. From 10 to 12 repetitions.
  • Squat: holding the kettlebell with both hands and close to the chest performs a full squat without the knees over the toes, with the back straight and with the entire planting surface on the floor. From 10 to 12 repetitions.
  • Swing: with the trunk leaning forward, hold the dumbbell between the legs. Then raise it with arms fully extended to chest height. From 12 to 15 repetitions.
  • Stride: with two Russian weights (one on each side) perform a long stride until the front leg reaches 90 º angles with the arms extended laterally. From 8 to 10 repetitions.

They are simple exercises that do not require a high material cost since kettlebells can be found at very low prices.

If you want to lose some weight and tone your muscles, this dumbbell will allow you to do it dynamically and differently from traditional gym methods.

Kettlebell results in 6 weeks

Image result for 6 weeks kettlebell results

Here we leave you three training alternatives applying eight Kettlebell weightlifting exercises.

Alternate the plans that we propose next three or four times a week and you will notice visible results from the fourth week.

Routine 1 – Beginners

If you are new to the world of sports, these exercises will help you get into rhythm, in addition to cooperating with weight loss and muscle definition.

Try the following:

  • Practice the exercises one after the other. Repeat 2 or 3 times.
  • Dedicate a minute to each movement.
  • Rest actively for 1 minute with a light trot, jumping or alternating kicks.
  • Continue with the following exercise.
  • Rest for 2 minutes after completing a whole series of exercises and then continue with the second, third and fourth series.

Routine 2 – Intermediate

If the goal is to sculpt and tone the body while increasing muscle strength, try the following:

  • Repeat the exercises in circuits of 3 to 4 series.
  • Dedicate 4 minutes to each movement with the maximum weight you are able to hold for the exercise, to work your capacity to the fullest.
  • Rest for 20 seconds.
  • Continue with the following exercise.
  • Rest for two minutes after completing the first series of exercises and then continue with the next. Try to shorten the rest periods by 5 seconds between series and series so that, when you reach the fourth series, you will not have rest between one exercise and another.

Routine 3 – Advanced

If you train often and you are looking for a real challenge – at the same time you burn calories, you increase your strength, strength and power – try this more intense version that we propose below:

  • Practice the movements in circuits of 3 to 4 series.
  • Work for one minute in each movement with the maximum weight you are able to hold for the exercise, to work your capacity to the fullest.
  • Rest actively for one minute, spending 40 seconds doing burgees or sprints, and then rest for 20 seconds.
  • Continue with the following exercise.
  • Rest for two minutes after completing the first series of exercises and continue with the next three.

Exercise 1: Sit Holding the Kettlebell at Chest Level

Start recumbent with one leg flexed and the other below it. Using the strength of the abdominal, sit holding the Kettlebell at chest level. The leg that you had flexed now will allow you to get up.

Push on it until it is in a stance position with the front knee at a 90 degree angle and the back knee resting on the ground.

Continue holding the weight close to your body as you return to the starting position (if you need to help with the arms, you can release the weight).

Exercise 2: Sit on the floor with your knees bent, holding the Kettlebell at chest height.

Tilt your back so that your torso is at an angle of 45 degree to the ground, making sure you keep your abdominal contracted, your lower back and your shoulders straight.

Without moving the torso, for two full seconds very slowly rotate your shoulders to the side as much as possible.

Afterwards, slowly bring your shoulders to the other side.

Make sure you are rotating your shoulders and not just your arms, so that your spine stays stable and your muscles are fully connected. Continue alternating back and forth.

Exercise 3: Extend the Arms and Thumbs

For this exercise you will need good weight kettlebells. You just have to walk with them hanging on the sides.

The arms should be extended and the thumbs facing forward. If you support the weights for more than a minute, then you should try heavier ones.

Exercise 4: Work with The Kettlebell

With the body slightly inclined forward and the knees bent, hold the kettlebell between the legs keeping the back and shoulders straight (be careful, you should not assume the squat position).

Lift the weight in front of your body until you reach chest height. Then turn it over and lift it over your head until the arms are fully extended. Do not stop.

Begin to lower the Kettlebell following the same route, turning it again at chest height so that it hangs as it did at the beginning. Repeat the exercise continuously and stable.

Exercise 5: Holding the Kettlebell at chest level, take a boxing stance with one leg forward and one back.

Turn slightly down on your back foot as if you were bending down to avoid a blow.

Make a small squat and trace a semicircle with your head as you get up to return to the starting position. Remember to keep the kettlebells adjusted to the body at chest level. Change the position of the legs for the next series.

Exercise 6: Start in boxing position with your left leg in front and the right behind with a 45 degree angle between them.

Shoulders and back should be straight, hands at chest height holding the weight.

Flex the right leg pointing with the knee forward and up and then down again to repeat. Do not forget to change the position of the legs for the next series.

Exercise 7: In a table position and squeezing glutes, place the arms under the shoulders and the soles of the feet completely resting on the floor.

The kettlebell must be located below the body.

Turn one of your arms over your body until you reach the opposite side to touch the weight. Remember to alternate the sides in each exercise.

Exercise 8: Lie down with the Kettlebell in your left hand and the same leg bent.

The leg and the right arm should be extended on the floor marking an angle of 45 degree with respect to the body.

Always looking at the weight (never forward or down) push up to rest on your right elbow, and continue until you get up while maintaining balance on the right hand.

Lift your entire body by pushing your hips towards the sky. Stop a second up there, squeezing glutes and abs.

Go back down following the same steps. Change side and alternate in the following series.

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